Saturday, June 7, 2008

A trip to the zoo...

While engaging in a spot of Saturday morning reading here at Willesden Gardens, I stumbled upon an excellent article about this wasp, which turns its cockroach prey into a zombie before leading it to its lair and laying an egg in it. Quite revolting! The comments following the article turned into a tedious debate between creationists and evolutionists, but at comment #175 a boffin who has spent his life studying this charming beast popped up to give his learned opinion and answer questions from the reader. Most illuminating! His description of the stinging process, and how the cockroach plunges into a fit of grooming before zombification, is most disturbing!

But the most illuminating part of all - the London Zoological Society keep a specimen, and have daily displays of its egg-laying skills. I have been neglecting my professional contacts of late - perhaps a trip to the society to renew our acquaintance is in order...

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