Sunday, June 22, 2008

Oberon in the Sky with Diamonds

I'm not sure what it is about Her Majesty's Government, but they do seem to have an obssession with surveillance. Perhaps it is a common trait among members of the House that the conservatives like to wear tights and be whipped, and the Whigs like to watch. But it seems passing strange to me that even when they are announcing a Good Thing - such as a program to prevent deforestation in former French colonies (those damned Frenchies were hardly the enlightened administrators we proved to be) - Her Majesty's Government must support the policy with an extension of their bizarre surveillance fetishes. In this instance, they are to mount cameras on giant firecrackers and launch them into space[1]. Can't they just hang a few illegal foresters and be done with it? That's what we would have done in my day, none of this poking about in people's underwear drawers to find out if they're hiding a woodchip or two. Damned peculiar behaviour, I do say!

[1] Isn't it remarkable what they can do these days? But how in the heavens they will stay up I shall never know...

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